One rickshaw
Two persons
An elderly and you
Sharing a ride to the big wide world
The rickshaw ride starts in front of 'Seniorenhaus Heilige Drei Könige', a retirement home, where old and young people meet on the rickshaw seat, travelling on a carefully selected route through Köln Ehrenfeld, all in slow motion. During the slow ride, passengers' momentary involvement may alternate between the theme of encounter of generations, but also pronounced external stimuli from the city's hustle and bustle, as well as a more subtle introspective element. The neighbourhood will be experienced in an entirely different way through deliberately adopting a rather unhurried pace - accompanied only by the occasional piano interlude along the way. The little space available on the rickshaw seat results in a physical closeness of two people who may not have previously met, while the rickshaw moves extremely slowly, becoming itself an intervention amidst the rushing city life.
The premiere took place in Cologne in fall 2018, and the revival in spring 2018 as part of the Kunstroute Ehrenfeld.
Concept and staging
Rickshaw driver
Bernhard Tscherny
Press release in the Rheinischen Rundschau