In public space katharinajej hangs a hammock between a traffic light and a traffic sign. People walk by, cars speed by. In front of the hammock there is a sign: "Join me for a moment of heaven". katharinajej lies in the hammock and waits for her guests.
After a while, a man in his mid-forties with glasses stops next to the hammock. He says he would like to lie down with me, but he's not in the mood right now. After a while he asks if he and his dog can join me. I agree. We try to find a position in the hammock that is comfortable for all of us. I lie across the hammock from the man, side by side. The dog lies on the man's legs. The man tells me it's a Mexican hairless greyhound. We shouldn't swing too much because of him. This breed of dog used to show people the way after death. I didn't know that. But I don't know anything about dogs. His dog is allowed to sleep in his bed. Later he'll cook his dog something with meat, carrots and onions. I'm surprised that the dog is even being cooked for.
Text about the encounters in the hammock
On 14 June 2014 in Aachen, Germany, as part of the street festival Lothringair with the sign "Join me for a moment of heaven".
On 8 September 2017 in Cologne, Germany, as part of the City Leaks Festivals with the sign "Join me for a moment of rest".
On 9 August 2023 in Braunschweig, Germany, as part of the Festival in the Open Air by Kunstverein DIE H_LLE with the sign "Join me for a moment of idleness". The written documentation about the encounters was as well exhibited at the festival.
katharinajej, rwinter and Lucie Mercadal